Friday 2 December 2011


Touchstone Pictures

Touchstone is a very versatile film institution for their focus of genres isn’t specified too any particular genre, therefore making it a good production company to apply to my trailer. Touchstone is also well known throughout the industry making the audience believe that it will be a successful and interesting film.

Touchstone is well known for films such as ‘Pearl Harbour’, Die Hard with a Vengeance’, ‘Calendar Girls’, ‘The Proposal’, and most recently ‘War Horse’.

I think to make my film look professional and as though it will be a good film, using Touchstone Pictures will help me achieve a part of this. Touchstone was founded in 1984 and is still successfully promoting and funding hits in the box office.

Focus Features

Focus Features is a successful institution company which was founded in 2001, but started in 1992 when it was called Gramercy Pictures and then it changed to USA Films, concluding with what we know today.

Focus Features is well known for a collection of films including: ‘Billy Elliot’, ‘Ned Kelly’, ‘Vanity Fair’, ‘Pride and Prejudice’, ‘Brokeback Mountain’, ‘Atonement’, ‘In Bruges’, ‘Jane Eyre’, and most recently ‘Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy’.

I think that this production company would be good for my trailer because it seems to be known quite well for its collection of dramatic films which will be useful for my trailer, also because it is quite a well-known company it will help promote my trailer further, making the audience want to go and see the film.

Paramount Pictures

Paramount Pictures Corporation is an American film and television production/distribution company, founded in 1912, and it is America’s oldest existing film studio.
Paramount have an assortment of films which have been very successful throughout the years such as: ‘The Crucible’, ‘Madame Butterfly’, ‘Oliver Twist’, ‘Snow White’, ‘Cinderella’, ‘Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde’, ‘Peter Pan’, ’Scrooge’, ‘Sunset Boulevard’, ‘White Christmas’, and more recently ‘Shutter Island’, ‘How To Train Your Dragon’, ‘The Adventures of Tintin’, and ‘Paranormal Activities’. However there are many more in-between and to come including: ‘Star Trek 2’ and ‘How To Train Your Dragon 2’.
This production company would help a lot with promoting my trailer because it is a long running company which many people know. Paramount is also consistently ranked as one of the largest top-grossing movie studios.

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