Tuesday 13 December 2011

Student Trailer Analysis

The way in which this student trailer starts is with a nice screen effect which looks like the static you would get off of a TV and over the top of that it has the inter titles fading in and out over the top. It then cuts into the action having a close up on an eye which then cuts to footage of a character approaching a house in a sadistic manor. It then cuts to a shot from inside the house where it implies a victim to the sadistic figure shown earlier, it quickly flashes back to that scary character and you see that he is carrying a knife and is still heading towards the house, from the constant cut changes between the two characters you believe that they are connected in the footage somehow and in this case one is a murderer and the other is the victim and with these cuts you are able to define this connection. The camera then cuts to another shot of the victim and in the background you are able to see the murderer entering the house without any suspicion from the victim. Cautiously entering the house the murderer then follows his victim and makes his way around the house. It then has a significant head shot of the victim showing us that he has acknowledged a noise and tries to find out the source of the noise. however is then jumped upon by the murderer concluding with a cut out into the title of the film being 'Breeze' on a TV static background, like the inter titles. It also includes a final footage clip which shows us a camera shot of just the legs of our characters, which implicates that the murderer got his victim, however it is not truly confirmed leaving its audience with some questions.

The way in which this piece is edited together has been thought through and the transactions between shots help indicate it genre and what the piece will be about. It is also presented in a black and white frame throughout giving it a sense of mystery and caution.

The non-diegetic music which they have applied to the piece consists of the plucking of violin strings, a constant note and what sounds to be a similar sound to a shower running. This is played throughout all of the footage, and at the end the music cuts out and you are able to hear the laughter of a young girl as well as the sound of footsteps which then fall in line with the footage at the very end where you are only able to see the characters legs making it diegetic sound. 

Overall I think that this student made trailer has been constructed rather well and I chose to look at it because I thought it held a couple of interesting shots that I may think about applying to my piece, such as the shot where they are both seen with the victim in the foreground and the murderer in the background.

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