Tuesday 13 December 2011

Student Footage Analysis

This is student footage which I found on youtube which has been designed in the style of a music video. I chose to look at this particular piece because I found the different techniques used intriguing, and I like the different camera angles and the colour frame, for all of these things amount up to a well developed piece.

The footage used is clever for throughout you notice how the character always seems to have a cigarette lit slowly getting shorter as the clip goes on, also the constant confusion of where he is and what he is doing there, as if he shouldn’t be. It is all presented in a black and white frame to add a sense of confusion. The use of an old film reel flicking in and out at times also adds to the confusion, and another is when you see flashes of him in an unstable mood of emotion hiding in a corner of a small room topless. The use of all this adds to the clip giving it more emotion and making its audience question what’s happening.
The costume, scenery and props all contribute to making its audience think that this video clip is set in a different time era similar to Steve McQueen in his films in the 60’s, plus the black and white frame also makes the piece seem older than it is.
The non-diegetic music is quite upbeat and sounds as if it may have came from the 60’s as well fitting with the footage very well.

Overall I think this piece has been thought through, prepared and presented very well to create a piece which makes its audience think about the characters actions and it edges us towards the assumption that he wishes to commit suicide and it then ends with him climbing up on the railings of a bridge over a road. By doing this they are able to let our imaginations think what they want making our own assumptions that he is going to jump.

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