Monday 5 December 2011

Trailer Analysis

The Pursuit of Happiness trailer starts with an opening scene of Will Smith, playing Chris Gardener and his son, played by Jaden Smith, who are playing basketball in a playground court as a father and son activity. It then shows images of Chris Gardener walking the street with a smile and trying to get on a train about to leave getting stuck in the door. This brings light-heartedness to the piece and a slight comedic part; however the role of Chris Gardener is one which you sympathise for.

The amount of times he is put down while doing his job and throughout his life being unable to provide just the simple things in life for himself and his son, he still is able to pursue and move on to another client with optimism and hope in his heart. He then decides to go and get a new job to have a better future for him and his son, and he dedicates his life to make sure he makes something of himself.

Throughout the whole trailer it shows us the struggles Chris Gardner faces throughout his life to make it a better one. It also shows that no matter what you may endure throughout life you have to persevere not only for yourself but for those around and who is a part of your life.

The non-diegetic music used is a contrast to the events that happen throughout, for the music is upbeat and happy whereas the events that happen are heartbreaking and makes its audience feel for the characters. There is also a voice over which presents us with more information about the film and what it entails. The trailer also includes some dialogue from the film telling us what is involved and the plot of the film; however it doesn’t give away the full plot leaving you with some speculation as to what will happen. The trailer ends with it telling us that this film is based on a true story giving it more of an impact on the audience.

The fact that this film is based on a true story and holds Will Smith as the main character they are unique selling point helping promote and make a bigger profit in the box office.

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