Friday 2 December 2011

Music Analysis

I think that this music is the type of music that I will apply to my trailer because of composition and the melodic piano which mixes with violins, cellos and an acoustic guitar. It holds a sense of meaning and power throughout the piece, the pace of the song is good because it start off slow then builds up but still hold the emotion.
The lyrics of the song are meaningful and suit the plot of my trailer, for it talks about loving somebody and how they will always love the other person, because of this relationship between the two people being mentioned in the song it can relate to the relationship I wish for my characters to hold.
It holds hope and happiness, however still portrays a sense of loss and sadness. To create my own piece of music which will hold this much emotion I will keep it simple and only have an acoustic guitar to give more of an impact of loss and sadness. I will have my dad record the music, for he is a musician and knows how to make a good recording and I am able to get him to do the song around my schedule, and if I wanted anything changed then I will be able to access him quickly.

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