Thursday 29 September 2011

Trailer Analysis: Real Steel

‘Real Steel’ is a film which belongs to the Action genre, skewing the target audience towards the males. It also will appeal more to a male audience because of the use of robotics as well as the violence. The reason why it may attract a female audience is because of Hugh Jackman playing the lead role, for he is considered as eye candy with his muscular body and dominating masculinity. This type of film will probably draw in an audience from teenagers to mid twenties, whereas it is unlikely that an audience of an older generation would go and see it because of the relation to the aspect of violent video games with the control over the iron robots.

This trailer draws in an audience because it has jumpy editing from one thing to another keeping you intrigued as to what is missing from that scene and it also has the tense music built on with the cheering and chanting of the crowd makes it seem as though it should be something you should be involved in and therefore making you want to watch the film. It is also a new film coming out on the 10th of November 2011, letting the audience know that the technology used to create this film is high tech drawing in a wider audience intriguing them as to whether the CGI is realistic or not.

They use non-diegetic music with a low base and hum to the piece, however there doesn’t seem to be a set piece of music for it sounds more as if it is steel and mechanics moving constantly. They also use a boxing ring side bell to represent the boxing feature of the film, telling the audience that it is a based around boxing.
Diegetic sound is also used for the crowd cheering and the dialogue used throughout. They use photographing sounds layering over a narrative by Hugh Jackman, and when jumping from certain shot to others there is a deep intense beat to engage the audience with what is happening.

This film has numerous unique selling points such as Hugh Jackman and the director Shaun Levy, who is popular for directing comedy films including: Big Fat Liar, Cheaper by the Dozen, The Pink Panther, Night at the Museum and Date Night. All of these films were considered successful and many people enjoyed them so now that Shaun Levy has directed something in a different direction to his usual stuff fans of his work will want to see ‘Real Steel’ to see if he is able to live up to expectations.

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