Thursday 29 September 2011

Trailer Analysis: The Notebook

‘The Notebook’ is considered a part of the drama, as well as the romantic, genre angling the target audience for this film towards females. However the inclusion of the army and a war helps draw in a male audience as well. The trailer reveals to us that it is a romantic drama film for two youngsters fall in love then go their separate ways and then lead different lives until once they’ve matured they come across each other and fall back in love ending with a happy ending but it includes serious effects of aging making you wonder if she’ll ever remember properly giving it the emotional factor.

This trailer is able to grip us from the beginning because of the technical aspects used throughout. The non-diegetic music makes us think that it is a peaceful and loving film and it builds as they build their relationship it then starts to calm and makes it seem more emotional involving more musical instruments and it has a crescendo when they rediscover their love and then it end with a slight fade out informing us that it is most likely a happy ending. What also builds on to the music building more of an atmosphere is the voiceover, which is of a soft deep soothing voice bring sensitivity to the piece, as well as informing the audience of what is happening. The dialogue included is something that reveals more of the storyline portraying a stereotypical romantic genre, boy meets girl they fall in love boy looses girl then gets her back at the end and they live happily ever after. However this is something that audiences like, they like to know what’s going on and the basics of what will happen it’s the way in which it happens which is the intriguing part.
I think the target audience for this would be from young teenage girls upwards, for the girls are able to relate to the emotional rollercoaster implicated in this trailer and film.

It includes slow transactions between shots and they flow into on another smoothly however they change often giving more sense as to what is in the film. It also implies the difference in lifestyles between the two main characters her being of upper middle-class and he being of working class, this is also shown in more depth in the film.
It incorporates the fact that the plot and storyline has been taken from a bestselling novel by Nicholas Sparks, which is a unique selling point because people may of read his books for he also is famous for writing the book ‘Dear John’, bringing in more of a female audience.

Overall this trailer is one for the women, for it includes a romance, a loss and a gain bringing emotion to the whole piece. It also includes unique selling point such as the actors involved, ones who people are familiar with for instance: Ryan Gosling- A Woman’s dream, as well as James Marsden and for the men who watch the film they have Rachel McAdams.
This film is one that is moving and emotional making the audience feel as though they could have that life.

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