Thursday 29 September 2011

Trailer Analysis: Age of Heroes

The First thing that you notice in the ‘Age of Heroes’ trailer, is you realise with this film is the music which comes in before everything else, a couple of seconds in and already you know it is going to be an action film including things such as guns and explosions having a male aspect to the general theme of the film, making its target audience edging towards males. It includes an image of the English and Nazi flag merged together telling us it is about the war against us and the Nazi’s, it also includes subtitles enforcing the impact of the war as well as giving it a sense of the army and its organisation and the harshness of what the troops will go through.
It is edited together to make a fast paced piece but gives more of an impact when there is a black screen pause in the action breaking the chaos of the war. It then brings us back in to the action with the subtitled flag backgrounds encouraging us to watch the film by including a subtitle which says ‘Discover the true story’, pushing us to watch the film. It then gets more focused on the team we, as an audience, should be siding with, and gets us more involved with what it involves and how it will unravel throughout the film. We also get to see the opposition and get to understand their role in the film and what their enemy look like and how good they are. It also includes a quick edited clip of a woman showing that it is also a film which women can relate to, bringing the small majority of a female audience as well.
The non-diegetic music plays a huge role throughout this trailer for it brings excitement, tension and it also has a heroic atmosphere to the piece, implying that these men will endure massive obstacles as well as pain and loss. The music builds and drops showing the soldiers heroism and bravery to put them through such a life changing experience, risking their lives to save others. The music drops out when there is a black screen enhancing more of an impact upon the audience.  There is a voice over of one of the commanders cutting in and out of diegetic and non-diegetic. This helps build on the heroic atmosphere making us aware that this is a piece linking to power and devotion.
The unique selling points involved in ‘Age of Heroes’ are the fact that it is set in the time where we had to put our own men up against the Nazi’s to help survive and conquer the war, and this is a subject which many can relate to, for it relates to our countries history and wanting us to engage with this interpretation of it.

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