Monday 19 September 2011

Trailer Analysis: Senna

Senna is a Documentary, referring to the life of Ayrton Senna a Formula 1 Brazilian motor-racing champion who won the world championships three times before his tragic death at the age of 34. This Documentary has been achieved by reusing footage of the legend in action, at his time. Because this film is about the Formula Racing world it is a film which is skewed towards male audiences as well as for people who are from the age of 25+, for Ayrton Senna was around for his career in 1980-1994. The day of which Senna died was considered the ‘Blackest day of Formula 1 history’.

The way in which this trailer appeals to us and brings an audience in is by the real footage and the fact that millions of people would have experienced the misfortune in which Ayrton Senna was killed, therefore those who watch the Formula 1 and experienced his death in 1994 would be interested as to what his life was like and what kind of a person he was. It is also appealing to us as an audience because the director and producer didn’t bring in actors to replay the scene, they used what they had and made something which shows the world the real life experience of Ayrton Senna. This technique is successful because it means that the audience can’t complain about incorrect facts or criticize the actors, or any techniques used to re-enact the fatal incident. The accident would have been witnessed by thousands, devastating them all leaving them with the unbelievable thought that Ayrton Senna died in front of their eyes. Some of those people may wish to understand what actually happened and experience what he was like and who he actually was outside of Formula 1 racing.

The non-diegetic music used for this trailer chops and changes starting off with some moving and peaceful music with violins and a piano. It then jumps to a more beating music to emphasise the good moments and to represent the life of Ayrton Senna. It then keeps a beat but has darker music to intensify the atmosphere trying to get across the seriousness of the racing world and the way in which Senna thinks that he is invincible when driving is involved, not understanding that if one thing goes wrong his life could be in danger. The music turns to a more light hearted tone of music once again, bringing us to reality about his real life outside of Formula 1. It also includes a dramatic pause to emphasise that particular moment. Lastly the music changes back to the moving and peaceful music with the violins and piano to end the trailer, bringing you back to a state where all you’re thinking about is his death and it makes you feel upset and partly responsible.
While all this music is being played in the background there is sound footage of Ayrton Senna and team members talking about his life and morals he lived by. It also includes diegetic sound of when the F1 cars are zooming around the tracks as well as when the crowds are cheering and screaming for attention.
Varying the music is effective, bringing the audience up and down emotionally ending not with a low but a realisation of what happened.

This teaser trailer includes unique selling points such as the biography of Ayrton Senna and Documentary. Also the fact that this film and trailer would be appealing to a large audience for it was an experience, not only Senna and his team went through but thousands of others did as well. It’s about a legend, one that the world will never forget.

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