Friday 18 November 2011


  1. In a film with a drama genre, what would you most likely want included?
[ ] Car Crash
[ ] Murder
[ ] Mental Stability
[ ] Romance
[ ] Mystery
[ ] Other (Please Specify)

  1. Which actor would you most prefer to see on screen?
[ ] Johnny Depp
[ ] Leonardo Decaprio
[ ] Nicholas Cage
[ ] Gerald Butler
[ ] Will Smith
[ ] Other (Please Specify)

  1. Which actress would you prefer to see on screen?
[ ] Angelina Jolie
[ ] Kate Winslet
[ ] Halle Berry
[ ] Mila KunisMila Kunis Mila Kunis
[ ] Julianne Hough
[ ] Other (Please Specify)

  1. What type of music do you prefer to hear in relation to a dramatic film?
[ ] Classical
[ ] Jazz
[ ] Rap
[ ] Rock
[ ] Pop
[ ] Electro
[ ] Punk
[ ] R&B
[ ] Country
[ ] Other (Please Specify)

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