Monday 26 March 2012

Evaluation Task 3: Audience Feedback

Things That Worked Well:

Trailer - Soundtrack matched the genre, the voiceover used was emotive, instituional information and logos, sonwboarding footage, the saturation of each clip used throughout the trailer, cross cutting between the past and present, the font used for the title.

Magazine - the picture, the use of different fonts, the title of my magazine, the way in which my text has been arranged over the top of the image.

Poster - the way in which I have been able to manipulate two of my own images into one, the colour scheme of the image, the tag line, the images, the website information.

Things I Could Improve:

Trailer - the font used for inter titles.

Magazine - The paragraph about the film needs to be cut down, maybe include a block background colour behind some of teh text which is considered important.

Poster - The colour of the text, the arrangement of the text, and the use of various fonts.

Facebook Audience Feedback

I also uploaded my trailer on to facebook and asked for feedback off of my friends and family and told them to let me know what worked well and what I could consider improving on.

From posting my trailer onto facebook I was able to understand what type of genre and things I needed to include for my trailer to be successful. I recieved good feedback from the majority of the people who watched it. The only thing that people may think I should consider is the double text font, and whether or not I really need the hospital flatline so that I could leave it up to my audience to wonder whether or not she lives or dies.

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