Monday 26 March 2012

Evaluation Task 3: Audience Feedback

Things That Worked Well:

Trailer - Soundtrack matched the genre, the voiceover used was emotive, instituional information and logos, sonwboarding footage, the saturation of each clip used throughout the trailer, cross cutting between the past and present, the font used for the title.

Magazine - the picture, the use of different fonts, the title of my magazine, the way in which my text has been arranged over the top of the image.

Poster - the way in which I have been able to manipulate two of my own images into one, the colour scheme of the image, the tag line, the images, the website information.

Things I Could Improve:

Trailer - the font used for inter titles.

Magazine - The paragraph about the film needs to be cut down, maybe include a block background colour behind some of teh text which is considered important.

Poster - The colour of the text, the arrangement of the text, and the use of various fonts.

Facebook Audience Feedback

I also uploaded my trailer on to facebook and asked for feedback off of my friends and family and told them to let me know what worked well and what I could consider improving on.

From posting my trailer onto facebook I was able to understand what type of genre and things I needed to include for my trailer to be successful. I recieved good feedback from the majority of the people who watched it. The only thing that people may think I should consider is the double text font, and whether or not I really need the hospital flatline so that I could leave it up to my audience to wonder whether or not she lives or dies.

Sunday 25 March 2012

Evaluation Task 2: Commentary

Evaluation Task 1

(From Left To Right)

1. Frame one shows the Title of my trailer, already informing us about the type of genre category it would be considered to be.
My title fades in and out reinforcing the indication of the genre of the trailer and film. I have also decided upon placing my text on to a black background so that the white text could be seen more clearly, I chose white text because I thought it would give the title more of a ghostly feel to it and so that it related to the genre. Just from the title ‘Passing By’ you are able to know that there is indication towards a death or some type of tragedy which helps promote the film and trailer.

2. This frame indicates the setting and location of the trailer, for the footage was taken up in the mountains in Thollon, France, giving the piece a scenic image and unique locational prospective. Originally I didn’t plan to film in this wonderful location however once I found out that I was going during the half term I thought it was a perfect opportunity to add footage to my trailer which would be unique to look at, so I took it into my stride and captured as much footage as I could so that I would be able to come home and get started with the editing of the footage to make it link and join in with my trailer.

3. Costumes and Props were implicated here in frame 3. It shows the type of clothing that was needed up in the mountains as well as the helicopter which is included in my trailer being one of the many props. However I didn’t plan for the helicopter to be in my trailer originally, but it provides the trailer with uniqueness and originality. At the beginning of the holiday I informed my dad and brother about my plans of using the footage we collect and editing it into my trailer, therefore my dad took it upon himself to film some of the footage including the helicopter scene.

4. This shot is supposed to show the editing and camerawork included in my trailer. The editing is shown through the colour saturation of the shot, for it was originally in full colour however I edited it so that it would be in black and white and I also brightened the scene so that the white would be slightly brighter hinting to the fact that it is a memory/flashback. The camerawork is also shown through this shot because we are snowboarding, therefore I decided to have the camera stationary but pan to where we travelled capturing the movement and the speed we were travelling at.

5. Here it shows the type of font and style I have used throughout my trailer keeping a sense of continuity and theme for my trailer. I have once again used white writing on a black background to make it more prominent. However it is in the bottom left hand corner to indicate that it is a subtitle. The text also has a shadow beneath it in a slightly larger and softer coloured text, this helps to emphasise the death of a character and it also builds up to cut clips of the accident making the audience feel the suspense. The ellipses also helps build the suspense for it tells you that there is more to the story.

6. This scene helps set up the rest of the trailer. The way in which I have introduced the main character is through the use of movement, for the first scene you see is of the road and the way it is just propelling itself through the landscape, linking to the title ‘Passing By’ because the car symbolises the way in which life can just pass us by without us really acknowledging what is happening around us. So this scene already helps set up the trailer for it is giving subtle hints as to what the trailer and film is about and what type of thing they can expect. It also introduces us to the main character in the first couple of minutes, so that the audience is able to relate to the character and sympathise for him as the trailer continues. The music which is used at the beginning of the trailer also sets the rest of it up, for it is a piece which is continuous throughout and it holds a sense of sadness and loneliness, implicating the genre and some of what the plot will consist of.

7. The use of the hospital heart monitor helps suggest the genre of the trailer and film because it implies that there will be some tragic event which will end with someone being taken to hospital and then later dying, which is portrayed through the flatline. There are many other aspects of this trailer which suggests the genre, such as things like the music and because it is a piece which only consists of an acoustic guitar it gives the piece more sentiment and makes it seem more emotional, making its audience automatically think that the trailer and film is a dramatic piece. The use of transactions also helps suggest the genre of the film because it is simple fades of black to white and white to black therefore helping suggest the ghostly aspect of the trailer. Having a smooth transaction like this helps make the piece seem more professional and realistic because it is a subtle change from each scene therefore the audience don’t notice it as much making the trailer flow, and giving it a sense of calmness and serenity.

8. The main characters are introduced individually. We are firstly introduced to our main male character, Rob, who we meet while he is driving in his car with a blank yet thoughtful expression upon his face. However we are not introduced to him straight away we firstly see an establishment shot of where he is and what is happening in the surrounding area, it then cuts to a shot of Rob’s face from his left hand side, briefly so that we now know who are character is that we need to relate to and can then develop the story from there.
The second character we are introduced to is the younger sister of Rob, who we don’t meet properly but are introduced to through Rob’s memories.

9. Special effects that were used included things like the saturation used in the flashbacks, for I changed it to black and white so that it would make the scene seem more like a memory and give it a ghostly feel to it. I also adjusted the lighting of the shots so that the image would look more bright, hinting towards a death which is included. I believe that using these special effects was effective because it helps build the atmosphere of the trailer as well as giving the audience hints towards the storyline of the film and providing information as to what will happen. It also provides a contrast to the ordinary footage reinforcing the fact that it is a flashback, it tells its audience what is in the present and what is a memory.

Saturday 24 March 2012


I have been given some audience feedback from friends and family after posting my trailer onto facebook, as well as from my media class helping me understand what areas I may need to improve and what parts work well for my trailer. All the feedback I have been given has been very helpful and I will take it all into account and try to apply it to my final pieces to make it seem even better.

Friday 23 March 2012

My Final Poster Design

Poster Images

Here I have chosen two other images to use for my poster. With these pictures I have decided to merge one of them together with another one of my pictures of the landscape, to create an effect which is similar to that of a professional poster.

Magazine Front Cover

Magazine Images

Here I have chosen two pictures which I have taken and edited of my main character of my trailer (Chris Poplett). These pictures are for my magazine front cover, I wanted to approach this in a professional manor by having one main picture of the main character and then editing it in photoshop to create a more crisp and professional image.

Thursday 22 March 2012


I have finished my poster and magazine and just in time for my deadline for it is tomorrow, however I am pleased with the progress I have made over the past week for I didn't know whether or not I would of had enough time to finish it.

Tuesday 20 March 2012


I am now using an apple mac book to edit my trailer for I am now able to use it wherever I go. I am also using a new program called imovie which seems to be working well for I have been able to catch up with my work and have now finished my trailer and am starting on  my poster and magazine.

Friday 16 March 2012


Recently I have been enduring a series of problems with the program Adobe Premiere Elements, for it is struggling to keep my footage in the way in which I edit it and it then freezes so I am unable to work on my editing for the deadline which is shortly coming, so I think I am having to restart my trailer on a different program and one which I am able to use at home so that I am capable to catch up with the time that I have lost and will be able to meet my deadline.

Thursday 15 March 2012

Music for my Trailer

I wish to use music which my dad has recorded for me to upload onto my trailer, and I am considering recording myself playing the flute and putting a harmony over the top. However the guitar music sounds good on its own for it will give the piece more emotion and the indication that he feels alone and as though there is something missing.